Dental Practices reopen!

Dental practices (in England) reopened on Monday, 8 June, providing they put in place appropriate safety measures. These measures are critical for the safety of both patients and staff.

Extraction Systems for Dental Practice

At Fumex we recognise that Dental Practices will take every precaution necessary to meet these requirements and reduce the risks from dental aerosols which are generated by various dental procedures, including when using high-speed handpieces for routine procedures, using Piezosonic or mechanised scalers and during polishing. Dental aerosols may contain a multitude of things – saliva, plaque, blood, fine abrasive particles, bacteria and viruses. This aerosol cloud can quickly fill the working environment, be inhaled by all staff and settle on surrounding surfaces and floors.

We have and install a wide range of Mini Extraction Arms to help minimise the risk from dental aerosols. Our Air Purifiers clear the air in dental surgeries within 10 minutes meaning you can see more patients safely. These may be wall or ceiling mounted (including suspended ceilings) to provide at source extraction for maximum efficiency.

We’re here and happy to help any Dental Practices in need of extraction systems to ensure your practice is a safer environment. Please call us on 0114 234 1114 to discuss your requirements or with any questions you have.