HSE inspect South Yorkshire Welding and Metalworking business

Welding Fume Extraction

In a recent inspection by HSE 22 inspectors visited 71 metalworking and welding businesses in Sheffield and Rotherham due to an increase in the number of serious and fatal incidents noted over the last five years.

There were 12 worker deaths reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – under the “RIDDOR” regulations – in Sheffield and Rotherham between 2014 and 2021 and a further 594 serious injuries reported over the same period. Inspection teams primarily focused on conducting inspections on businesses where workers regularly undertake welding and use metalworking fluids, a high proportion of which are based in the area.

65% of the businesses visited were in breach of the law!

Of the companies visited 46 needed to make improvements to better protect the health, safety and wellbeing of workers in metal fabrication, engineering, general manufacturing and waste and recycling sectors.

During the course of the week inspectors served three prohibition notices and 31 improvement notices. Examples of some of the breaches found included poor controls of welding fumes and metal working fluids.

In addition to where notices have been served, HSE has formally written to a further 23 local businesses to compel them to improve various aspects of health and safety. To read the full article from HSE please click here

We’ve been designing, installing and maintaining Welding and Metalworking extraction systems for over 40 years and understanding the importance of having an extraction system that safely and efficiently removes harmful fumes, fluids and vapours form the workplace.

If you’re in any doubt about your current extraction system or set-up please call us on 0114 234 1114 to discuss your requirements and answer any questions you have.